Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61800 Abstracts of title and schedules of deeds relating to property on Clifford Street about 1896-1897 Deeds Westminster London
DX/BAX/61386 Counterpart lease of property in Newman's Court in the parish of St Michael 1696 Deeds Cornhill London
DX/BAX/61387 Miscellaneous leases relating to property 1716-1732 Deeds Creed Lane London
DX/BAX/61757 Conveyance of property in East Smithfield 1693 Deeds Tower Hamlets London
DX/BAX/61387 Miscellaneous leases and counterpart leases relating to property 1716-1732 Deeds Fish Street Hill London
DX/BAX/61187/1-18 Miscellaneous title deeds relating to the property of J.F.G. Cooke in Hanover Square, Rupert Street and St James' Street 1770-1833 Deeds Westminster London
DX/BAX/61800 Abstracts of title and schedules of deeds relating to property about 1896-1897 Deeds High Holborn London
DX/BAX/61387 Miscellaneous leases and counterpart leases relating to property 1716-1732 Deeds Lothbury London
DX/BAX/61387 Miscellaneous leases and counterpart leases relating to property 1716-1732 Deeds Mincing Lane London
DX/BAX/61831 Draft lease of premises 1866 Deeds Mincing Lane London

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