Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/7/5/17 Draft lease of 99 Bold Street 4 Nov 1889 Deeds Liverpool Merseyside
DX/TB/7/5/19 Correspondence concerning mortgage of property in Bold Street 16 Jan 1892 Deeds Liverpool Merseyside
AB/7/4/22 Grant of manor 1374 Deeds Lockington East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64383 Abstract of title to lands 1886 Deeds London London
DX/BAX/61181 Copies of miscellaneous deeds relating to the property of J.F.G. Cooke 1703-1833 Deeds London London
DX/BAX/61210 Deed of assignment and transfer of a share in a partnership to Hinchliff and Haselden, paper manufacturers, Oxendon Street, Haymarket 1837 Deeds Westminster London
DX/TB/9/1/15 Abstract of title, draft deeds and other items relating to land in Adwick le Street and Skellow conveyed for the purpose of improving the trunk road between London, Edinburgh and Thurso 1939-1968 Deeds London London
DX/BAX/61179 Copies of deeds and epitome of title relating to the property of J.F.G. Cooke 1832-1850 Deeds London London
DX/BAX/61389/1 Deed of settlement of bank stock 1725 Deeds London London
DX/BAX/61387 Miscellaneous leases and counterpart leases relating to property 1716-1732 Deeds Bartholomew Lane London

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