Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61546 Draft deeds and other items relating to the title of H.L. Maw to estates about 1852-1859 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61331/1-9 Miscellaneous deeds relating to mortgages on estates 1846-1870 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61332 Miscellaneous abstracts of title to estates about 1800-1879 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/64282 Abstract of title to estates 1726-1793 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/64562 Recovery of estates 1825 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/63580 Copies of deeds relating to estate early 19th century Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DY/LIND/15-24 Abstracts of title and other deeds relating to the estate 1877-1913 Deeds Lindholme South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64495 Title deeds to land 1672-1819 Deeds Lissett East Yorkshire
P81/10/2 Miscellaneous deeds relating to land belonging to Thomas and William Collinson 1588-1617 Deeds Little Horton West Yorkshire
P81/10/3 Conveyance and other deeds relating to Delfe Close 1597-1627 Deeds Little Horton West Yorkshire

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