Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/WA/D2/1 Travel diary 1830s Other Records Cromer Norfolk
DS/131/6/172 Railway lands 1920 Maps/Plans Cromer Norfolk
DS/131/6/172 Plan of lands 1920 Railways Cromer Norfolk
DZ/MD/850/3/9 Pretty Corner [Postcard] 1928 Photographs Cromer Norfolk
DS/131/6/151-152 Widening of railway line 1920 Maps/Plans Cromwell Nottinghamshire
DS/131/6/151-152 Widening of railway line 1920 Railways Cromwell Nottinghamshire
DD/CAMPBELL/1/5 Report on a visit to Marshall Richards Machine Company, makers of dyforming machines 1957 Business Crook County Durham
DX/WALK/2/46 Act 1823 Enclosure Crook Cumbria
DZ/MD/362/17 Crookhill Hall early 20th century Photographs Crookhill South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65190/7 Draft agreement to take stone from the New Close quarry for the rebuilding of Doncaster parish church 1854 Business Crookhill South Yorkshire

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