Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/TAY/6/2 A Short History of Cowick Hall 1967 Publications Cowick East Yorkshire
DZ/TAY/6/2 A Short History of Cowick Hall 1967 Estate Cowick East Yorkshire
DZ/TAY/7/3 Lithographs of Cowick Hall late 19th century Estate Cowick East Yorkshire
P50/10/1 Transcript of documents in the Duchy of Lancaster papers early 20th century Estate Cowick East Yorkshire
P50/9/D2 Valuation 1851 Estate Cowick East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/131/1 Dun Drainage Act 1831 Land Drainage Cowick East Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/131/1 Dun Drainage Act 1831 Other Local Government Cowick East Yorkshire
P50/10/27 Handbill advertising a meeting at the manor court early 20th century Manorial Cowick East Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 251.3 1906 Ordnance Survey Cowick East Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 251.4 1906 Ordnance Survey Cowick East Yorkshire

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