Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/EDUC/3/15 Comprehensive managers' minutes 1978-1980 Schools Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/18 Managers' and governors' minutes for Grange Lane First, Holmescarr Middle, Pheasant Bank Middle and Thornedale First 1984-1989 Schools Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/20 Managers' and governors' minutes for Rossington Hall Special School 1984-1989 Schools Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/20 Managers' and governors' minutes for Rossington Hall Special School 1984-1989 Estate Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/21 Managers' and governors' minutes for Rossington Comprehensive 1984-1989 Schools Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/PROP/1/61 Survey of Church Mixed 1903-1904 Schools Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/1/13 Rate book 1974-1975 Metropolitan Borough Council Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/2/15 Rate book 1975-1976 Metropolitan Borough Council Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/3/22 Rate book 1976-1977 Metropolitan Borough Council Rossington South Yorkshire
MB/RATE/6/10 Rate book 1979-1980 Metropolitan Borough Council Rossington South Yorkshire

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