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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/873/3/3-4 Miners at the colliery 3 May 1984 Photographs Cotgrave Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61543 Abstract of a conveyance of land 1818 Deeds Cotness East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/4/8 Sale plan and particulars 3 Jan 1877 Estate Cotness East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/4/8 Sale plan and particulars for the estate 3 Jan 1877 Sales Catalogues Cotness East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/24/4/8 Estate 1877 Maps/Plans Cotness East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/3/2/1 Extract from awards to allotments 1777 Land Drainage Cotness East Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61887 Abstract of title of Thomas Freeman to an estate 1835 Deeds Coton Staffordshire
DX/BAX/61887 Abstract of title of Thomas Freeman 1835 Estate Coton Staffordshire
AB/7/4/42 Exemplification of a recovery 10 May 1535 Deeds Cottam East Yorkshire
P23/10/3/7 Plans, sections and book of reference for Great Northern Railway 1862 Railways Cottam East Yorkshire

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