Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Estate 1854 Maps/Plans Smithies South Yorkshire
P15/6/2/1 Half-yearly parochial list and statement of accounts 1854 Anglican Parish Sutton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60940 Conveyance of land to the Great Northern Railway 1854 Railways Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60940 Conveyance of land to the Great Northern Railway 1854 Business Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60940 Conveyance of land to the Great Northern Railway 1854 Deeds Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E4/6/6 Map 1854 Estate Trumfleet South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E4/6/6 Estate 1854 Maps/Plans Trumfleet South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E4/69-70 Sheet 276 1854 Ordnance Survey Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E4/71-72 Sheet 284 1854 Ordnance Survey Warmsworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E4/73 Sheet 290 1854 Ordnance Survey Warmsworth South Yorkshire

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