Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/7/1/8 Abstract of title and other deeds relating to Stoopers Gate Close 1817-1855 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/10/1 Lease and release of House Close Aug 1828 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/144 Abstract of title relating to the purchase of commons land 1711-1819 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/145 Abstracts of title, conveyance and other items relating to Hollin Bridge Farm, Gravel Hill Close, Willow Bridge Closes, Far Common and Bull Moors allotments 1756-1844 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/146 Conveyance of Holme Close, Piper Lane Closes and Hail Hill Croft 26 May 1900 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/147 Miscellaneous deeds relating to Standfast Croft, West Side Close, North End Close and Hail Hill Croft 1728-1838 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/1/26 Abstract of title and other deeds relating to land formerly part of the High and Far High Closes 1835-1872 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/COV/6/5-6 Land purchases 1705-1793 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/COV/6/13 Land purchase 1796 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/3 Miscellaneous deeds relating to Hammer Maggs Close and other lands 1800-1852 Deeds Hatfield Woodhouse South Yorkshire

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