Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/62225/1-2 Miscellaneous deeds relating to various pieces of land belonging to Peter van Hecke 1685 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62278/1-3 Miscellaneous deeds relating to the charity established by Henry Travis for poor children 1710-1844 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64285 Mortgage of equity of redemption on an estate 1848 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64370 Abstracts of title to Park Lane Hall 1832 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64372 Draft conveyance of Park Lane Hall 1860 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64496 Miscellaneous deeds relating to land 1759-1819 Deeds Great Hatfield East Yorkshire
DX/TAY/2/1 Abstract of title to estates 1838 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/2/2 Deed of enfranchisement of copyholds 1838 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/2/3 Release of land 7 Jun 1839 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/2/4 Supplemental abstract of title to Balnecroft Close and Burgar Close 1878 Deeds Hatfield South Yorkshire

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