Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/651/1-3 Methodist church service plans and invitation 1891-1904 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Priory Place South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/650/1 Leys School, album 1899 Photographs Cambridge Cambridgeshire
DZ/MD/650/1 Leys School photograph album 1899 Schools Cambridge Cambridgeshire
DZ/MD/649/8 Spansyke Street, coronation celebrations 1953 Photographs Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/649/5-7 Show at Nelly Stagles, Wentworth Hall, Beckett Road 1948 Photographs Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/649/5-7 Photographs of show at Nelly Stagles, Wentworth Hall, Beckett Road 1948 Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/649/4 Royal Engineers in a rickshaw 1945 Photographs Tripoli Libya
DZ/MD/649/4 Photograph of Royal Engineers in a rickshaw 1945 Military Tripoli Libya
DZ/MD/649/1-3 Spansyke Street, Victory in Japan Day celebrations Aug 1945 Photographs Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/648/1-2 Cirplan, volume 8 1984-1986 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster South Yorkshire

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