Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/WALL/10 Properties about 1911 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/WN/A10/59 Coalfield 1925 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/WN/A10/60 Coalfield 1930s Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MD/509/3 Coalfield 1930s Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MD/644/1 Coalfield 1930s Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DY/GBF/14/10 Land drainage 1980 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/BW/P74-78 Yorkshire Light Dragoons records 1779 Military Yorkshire Yorkshire
NB/3/5 Draft constitution for a Doncaster Fellowship Branch of the Yorkshire Lay Preachers' Association 1930s Nonconformist Churches Yorkshire Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/1/12 Sheets 246.12, 246.14, 296.11, 296.15, 299.13, 300.1, 300.4, 300.5, 300.8, 300.10, 300.14 annotated to show the estates of the Earl and Countess of Yarborough 1902 Ordnance Survey Yorkshire Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/1/12 Ordnance Survey sheets 246.12, 246.14, 296.11, 296.15, 299.13, 300.1, 300.4, 300.5, 300.8, 300.10, 300.14 annotated to show the estates of the Earl and Countess of Yarborough 1902 Estate Yorkshire Yorkshire

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