Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
RD/DON/2/279 Tracings of roads late 19th century Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/279 Tracings of roads from enclosure plan late 19th century Maps/Plans Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/280 Award extracts relating to Lidget Lane 22 Nov 1878 Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/281 Brief memoranda relating to evidence on road making late 19th century Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/282 Clerk's correspondence 1925-1938 Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
TRC/1/8 Act 27 May 1814 Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
P8/10/1 Letter to incumbent regarding the location of the 1821 award 1962 Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
PR/CLAY/6 Award and map 1821 Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
PR/CLAY/6 Enclosure 1821 Maps/Plans Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/85/HP/19/1-25 Common rights and enclosure 1779-1821 Enclosure Clayton with Frickley South Yorkshire

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