Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/817/4/1-10 Brochure, programmes, order of service and other items relating to Methodist church 1958-1991 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Priory Place South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/4/1-10 Brochure and programmes relating to the Methodist church 1958-1991 Publications Doncaster, Priory Place South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/3/1-15 Posters, report cards, correspondence and other items relating to Ellers High School 1964-1984 Schools Cantley South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/2/1-2 Secondary School staff notes and bank book 1960s Schools Doncaster, Hyde Park South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/1/1-10 Photographs, programmes and other items relating to the Grammar School 1938-1965 Schools Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/1/1-10 Grammar School 1938-1965 Photographs Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/817/1/1-10 Programmes relating to the Grammar School 1938-1965 Publications Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/816/4/2 Staff of Grammar School in a theatrical production about 1950 Photographs Mexborough South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/816/1/1-3 Grammar School; buildings, staff and pupils [Albums] 1948-1953 Photographs Mexborough South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/816 Photographs and printed papers relating to H.L. Watkinson, headmaster of Grammar School 1925-1971 Schools Mexborough South Yorkshire

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