Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/12/2 Township survey 1829 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/12/34-35 Mineral land 28 Apr 1905 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/7/6 Arksey Ings 1828 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/7/22 Arksey Ings 1828 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/7/23 Village and West Croft Field 1828 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 19 Proposed railway lines 19th century Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
QS/13/1 Dun Drainage District 1873 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/158/1 Copies of plans of Thellusson estates [CD-ROM] 1818 Maps/Plans Arksey South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 277.5 1892 Ordnance Survey Arksey South Yorkshire
P14/3/E1 Parish church, stained glass windows [Tracings] 1882 Photographs Arksey South Yorkshire

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