Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/DAW/12/1 Maps of Thomas Foster's estate 1825 Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/CROM/6/3 Book of tenures 1792 Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/CROM/6/6 Rental 1704 Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
HR/1/1/5-6 Lists of members of Doncaster and Mexborough Joint Hospital Board representing Bentley with Arksey Urban District Council 1930, 1932 Hospitals Arksey South Yorkshire
HR/1/5/3 Reprint of Order of Local Government Board making the urban district of Bentley with Arksey a constituent authority of the hospital board 1912 Hospitals Arksey South Yorkshire
QS/13/1 Map of the Dun Drainage District 1873 Land Drainage Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E2/2/1 Minutes of the Dun Drainage Sep 1813 Land Drainage Arksey South Yorkshire
LTA/8 Returns 1807-1926 Land Tax Arksey South Yorkshire
NM/14 Wesleyan Methodist records 1922-1992 Nonconformist Churches Arksey South Yorkshire
NM/65/1/3 Notes on Methodist chapel 1968-1972 Nonconformist Churches Arksey South Yorkshire

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