Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/STAN/6/22 Sandringham Road 1966-1989 Photographs Intake South Yorkshire
P72/10/12 Street under water late 19th century Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/13 Parish church and area, seven views [Postcard] late 19th century Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/14 Mothers' Union 1920s Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/15-17 St Thomas' church, interior and exterior mid 20th century Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/17 Group of people mid 20th century Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/18 St Thomas' church, choir mid 20th century Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/19 Vicarage being built 1983 Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
P72/10/20 Family group and area late 20th century Photographs Kilnhurst South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/628 Bridge about 1982 Photographs Kirk Bramwith South Yorkshire

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