Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BROD/20/99 Plan of additional room to village school 28 Jul 1909 Schools Brodsworth South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/19/13 Centenary publication containing reminiscences and analysis 1971 Schools Brodsworth South Yorkshire
SR/58 Records of Church of England First and Middle School 1871-1994 Schools Brodsworth South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/670/1 Photograph 1960s Schools Burghwallis South Yorkshire
PR/BRAITH/6/6 Ordnance Survey plan annotated to show County Primary School 1960 Schools Braithwell South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61379 Draft deeds and letters relating to land sold to the Master and Fellows of Trinity Hall 1842-1843 Schools Cambridge Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/62204 Deed of assignment of Cridling Park with consent of master, fellows and scholars of Sidney Sussex College 1846 Schools Cambridge Cambridgeshire
P27/7/1/9 Correspondence between St Catherine's College and Adlingfleet church concerning Ramsden sermon 1929-1978 Schools Cambridge Cambridgeshire
P63/10/3 Letter concerning old students 1938 Schools Cambridge Cambridgeshire
DX/BAX/7/4/2/10 Notice for the masters, fellows and scholars of Trinity Hall to quit lands 16 Mar 1872 Schools Cambridge Cambridgeshire

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