Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/451/5 Local government boundaries about 1908 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MD/451/5 Map of local government boundaries about 1908 Other Local Government Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MD/737/1 T.M. Smith's Map of Yorkshire 1846 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DY/GBF/9/1 John Tuke's A Map of the County of York 1816 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DY/GBF/14/8 Rivers and watercourses 1970s Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/BW/Y60 South-east 1816 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
PR/THO/105/1 Wapentakes about 1850 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire
PR/THO/105/1 Map of wapentakes about 1850 Other Local Government Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/162/1 Map about 1865 Railways Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/162/1 Railway about 1865 Maps/Plans Yorkshire Yorkshire

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