Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P24 Records of St John 1852-1978 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
P11/1/F1 Register of confirmations 1908-1948 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
P11/1/F2 Register of services 1932-1949 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/85/HP/34/8 List of subscribers for new churches about 1852 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
P11/4/G1 Quarterly magazines 1904-1908 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
P11/4/G1 Quarterly parish magazines 1904-1908 Publications Fenwick South Yorkshire
P15/2/C2 Assignment of a district to St John's 1852 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
P30/2/A2 Sale particulars and conditions for various glebe land 1920 Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire
P30/2/A2 Sale particulars and conditions for various glebe land 1920 Sales Catalogues Fenwick South Yorkshire
DD/WN/B8/11 Financial statement to church subscribers about 1850s Anglican Parish Fenwick South Yorkshire

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