Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/BW/E15/224 | W.B. Wrightson's estate | 1866-1884 | Maps/Plans | Bywell | Northumberland |
DX/BAX/62241/1-2 | Abstracts of title, draft conveyances and other items relating to sale of land to Leeds Corporation | 1855-1856 | Deeds | Cad Beeston | West Yorkshire |
MQ/26/11 | Report on a colliery fire | 1913 | Coal Mining | Cadder | Scotland |
DZ/MD/676/1 | Doncaster Community Archive: Images of people and places [CD-ROM] | 2002 | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
MC/1/21/72 | Relating to police investigations into road traffic accidents | 1950s | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/1/56 | Women outside colliery at the time of the explosion | 1912 | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/3/36 | Colliery [Slides] | 1970s | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
DS/57/7 | Cadeby Main Collliery Employees' Death Fund, committee | May 1989 | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/6/41 | Scabba Wood Quarry | 1975 | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
DY/MARSDEN/2/1 | Rescue Team [Postcard] | about 1912 | Photographs | Cadeby | South Yorkshire |
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