Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/F6/8 Draft scheme and map by Church Commissioners for the creation of the district of St John the Baptist 1953 Anglican Parish Edlington South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F6/8 District of St John the Baptist 1953 Maps/Plans Edlington South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F6/9 Church of Good Shepherd, Mrs Pearce in vestments at altar 1953 Photographs Cusworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F6/9 Correspondence and other items relating to the Church of the Good Shepherd 1954-1962 Anglican Parish Cusworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F6/9 Draft declaration of trust to establish a charitable trust for the Church of St Hubert 1962 Anglican Parish Cusworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F6/9 Draft declaration of trust to establish a charitable trust for the Church of St Hubert 1962 Deeds Cusworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F6/9 Church of Good Shepherd, service 1950s Photographs Cusworth South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F7/1 Correspondence relating to the purchase of Pighills 28 Feb 1652 Estate Stanley West Yorkshire
DD/BW/F7/14 Hunting country 1760s Maps/Plans Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DD/BW/F7/14 Sketch map of hunting territories 1760s Maps/Plans Darfield South Yorkshire

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