Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P13/8/8 Leases of the Mission Church hall for educational purposes, with correspondence 1931-1953 Anglican Parish Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
P13/8/9 Correspondence and papers regarding building of the new church 1930-1972 Anglican Parish Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
P13/8/9 Correspondence and papers regarding the building of Popham Memorial School 1930-1972 Schools Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
MB/LEAD/1/96 Draft Local Plan 1986 Metropolitan Borough Council Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/663/2 Millennium calendar for Edenthorpe Hall Primary 2000 Schools Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61723/1-3 Miscellaneous deeds relating to the manor of Streetthorpe 1769-1772 Deeds Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61723/1-3 Deeds relating to Streetthorpe manor 1769-1772 Manorial Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61724/1-8 Miscellaneous deeds relating to Streetthorpe estate 1805-1823 Deeds Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61724/1-8 Miscellaneous deeds relating to Streetthorpe estate 1805-1823 Estate Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DD/CY/P35 Streetthorpe estate Mar 1820 Maps/Plans Edenthorpe South Yorkshire

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