Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/MF/ADD/11 Catalogue produced by the County Record Office of the records of the National Union of Mineworkers held at the Miners' Offices in Barnsley about 1980 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DD/MF/ADD/11 Catalogue produced by the County Record Office of the records of the National Union of Mineworkers held at the Miners' Offices in Barnsley about 1980 Organisations South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/565/4 Coalowners' Association; arbitrator's award 3 Apr 1941 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/565/4 Coalowners' Association; arbitrator's award 3 Apr 1941 Organisations South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/565/47-49 Price lists for collieries 1930-1944 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/462/26 Fabric of the Past: Some Listed Buildings in South Yorkshire 1970s Estate South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/462/26 Fabric of the Past: Some Listed Buildings in South Yorkshire 1970s Publications South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/4/3/6 Proof of evidence on Navigation Bill 1889 Land Drainage South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/8/1-3 Parliamentary plans for Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation 1899 Land Drainage South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/8/1-3 Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation 1899 Maps/Plans South Yorkshire South Yorkshire

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