Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MZ/69/1 Skelbrooke estate 1825 Maps/Plans Kirk Smeaton North Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/69/1 Map of Skelbrooke estate 1825 Estate Kirk Smeaton North Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64562 Recovery of estates 1825 Deeds Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/64562 Recovery 1825 Estate Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/64562 Estate 1825 Maps/Plans Lincolnshire Lincolnshire
P15/7/D1 Opinion relating to lands belonging to the poor 1825 Civil Parish Norton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/69/1 Skelbrooke estate 1825 Maps/Plans Norton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/69/1 Plan of the Skelbrooke estate 1825 Estate Norton South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61243 Lease of land 1825 Deeds Pilfrey Lincolnshire
DD/BW/P105 Election address by W.B. Wrightson for the parliamentary election 1825 Other Local Government Retford Nottinghamshire

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