Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/87/7/2 Letter from Crowle and Ealand Action Group relating to clinical waste incinerator about 1993 Organisations Crowle Lincolnshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/3/2 Making Tracks in London: A Blueprint for Rail Investment in London about 1992 Publications London London
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/3/2 Making Tracks in London: A Blueprint for Rail Investment in London about 1992 Railways London London
DS/87/13/2 Geological plan of brick pit about 1990 Maps/Plans Ashfield South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/5 Existing and proposed residential development about 1990 Maps/Plans Armthorpe South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/5 Existing and proposed residential developments about 1990 Maps/Plans Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/2 Geological plan of quarry about 1990 Maps/Plans Bilham South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/2 Geological plan of quarry about 1990 Maps/Plans Cadeby South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/2 Geological plan of quarry about 1990 Business Cadeby South Yorkshire
DS/87/13/2 Denaby Ings about 1990 Maps/Plans Denaby South Yorkshire

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