Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61333/2 Rent book 1822 Estate Yorkshire Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61812 Exemplification of a fine relating to property 1822 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/10/37 List of salaries of Corporation officers and servants 1822 County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/54 Rate book 1822 County Borough Rossington South Yorkshire
SY/392/Z1/1-2 Award and map 1822 Enclosure Barnburgh South Yorkshire
SY/392/Z1/2 Enclosure 1822 Maps/Plans Barnburgh South Yorkshire
DD/COO/800 Extract of final concord on messuages and property 1822 Deeds Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/800 Extract of final concord on messuages and property 1822 Deeds Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/544 Account of lands belonging to John Otter 1822 Estate Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1210 Extract from parish register showing burial of John Foster 1822 Anglican Parish Ecclesfield South Yorkshire

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