Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/MON/232-238 Miscellaneous deeds relating to lands 1814-1830 Deeds Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/45/2 Baptism register for Providence Chapel 1814-1834 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/TB/7/3/12 Schedule of deeds and other items relating to the estate of John Fisher 1814-1838 Estate Scrooby Nottinghamshire
DX/TB/7/3/12 Schedule of deeds and other items relating to the estate of John Fisher 1814-1838 Deeds Scrooby Nottinghamshire
DZ/ANON/1/18 Abstract of act, deed poll and enfranchisement 1814-1841 Enclosure Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/COO/624 Abstract of title to estate 1814-1845 Deeds Stockbridge South Yorkshire
DD/COO/624 Abstract of title 1814-1845 Estate Stockbridge South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61111 Bundles of miscellaneous correspondence, accounts and abstracts of title 1814-1848 Manorial Auckley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61111 Abstracts of title relating to Childers property and an exchange of land with Reverend W. Childers 1814-1848 Deeds Cantley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61111 Correspondence, accounts, abstracts of title and exchange of land relating to the property of John Walbanke Childers 1814-1848 Estate Cantley South Yorkshire

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