Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/5/34 Abstracts of title and other deeds relating to Rush Carr Close 1811-1874 Deeds West Butterwick Lincolnshire
DX/TB/4/98 Abstracts of title and other deeds relating to number 13 1811-1903 Deeds Doncaster, Spring Gardens South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/158 Abstract of title and other items relating to freehold messuages 1811-1924 Deeds Mexborough South Yorkshire
P25/10/1 Sale particulars for the estate 1812 Sales Catalogues Arksey South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61811 Exemplification of fine 1812 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/64514 Papers relating to the appointment of Reverend W.W. Childers to the living 1812 Anglican Parish Beeford East Yorkshire
P25/10/1 Sale particulars for the estate 1812 Sales Catalogues Bentley South Yorkshire
P25/10/1 Sale particulars 1812 Estate Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E15/181 Act 1812 Enclosure Bywell Northumberland
DX/BAX/64515 Agreement about a loan for rebuilding premises belonging W.W.Childers 1812 Deeds Cantley South Yorkshire

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