Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/7/4/972 Agreement for tenancy of a close to be used for a public cemetery 1 Feb 1849 County Borough Doncaster, Carr Lane South Yorkshire
QS/13/2 Application, plan, copy order of quarter sessions and other items relating to the diversion of a footpath 1892 County Borough Doncaster, Chequer Fields South Yorkshire
QS/13/2 Application, plan, copy order of quarter sessions and other items relating to the diversion of a footpath 1892 County Borough Doncaster, Chequer Lane South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/396/52 Particulars of search undertaken for the corporation at West Riding Registry of Deeds relating to numbers 46 and 47 Feb 1964 County Borough Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/832 Petition requesting that the gateway between Market Place and the Rectory House yard be removed to allow the enlarging of the Corn Market 18 Jun 1773 County Borough Doncaster, Corn Market South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/1017-1042 Title deeds to premises conveyed to Doncaster Corporation in 1860 1690-1860 County Borough Doncaster, Corn Market South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/1055-1064 Title deeds to premises sold to Doncaster Corporation in 1860 1800-1860 County Borough Doncaster, Corn Market South Yorkshire
AB/5/2/11/9 Indictment for failure to repair road 13 Apr 1782 County Borough Doncaster, Dockin Hill South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/668/1 Rating valuation book 1947-1949 County Borough Doncaster, East Laith Gate South Yorkshire
AB/POLICE/2 Statement of Policing Arrangements for the St Leger Race Meeting 1838-1839 County Borough Doncaster, Racecourse South Yorkshire

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