Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/E10/6 Estate 1868 Maps/Plans Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/4 Plan 1786 Estate Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/5/4 Estate 1786 Maps/Plans Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62078 Papers relating to the estate of Richard Wheen 1825-1843 Estate Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/62/M/1-4 Record of proceedings at the court baron, court rolls, presentments, admissions and surrenders 1635-1658 Manorial Braithwaite South Yorkshire
NM/67 Records of Bethel Wesleyan Methodist church 1878-1970 Nonconformist Churches Braithwaite South Yorkshire
TRC/2/1/1 Sheet 265.11 about 1930 Ordnance Survey Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 265.11 1906 Ordnance Survey Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DY/MERRY/3 Sheet 265.11 1932 Ordnance Survey Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DD/COX/6 Plans and particulars of farm and smallholdings 1906 Maps/Plans Braithwaite South Yorkshire

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