Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/60830/1-20 Feoffment, covenant and abstract of title relating to nineteen parts of an estate 1806 Deeds Beeston Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/60830/1-20 Feoffment, covenant and abstract of title relating to nineteen parts of an estate 1806 Estate Beeston Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/63579 Deputation of Gervas Woodhouse as Deputy Lieutenant 1806 Other Local Government Lincoln Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/64672 Assignment of mortgage on premises 1806 Deeds Owston Ferry Lincolnshire
DD/DC/E3/2/5 Survey 1806 Manorial Skellow South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E4/3/2 Estate 1806 Maps/Plans Sutton South Yorkshire
SY/515/F2/1 Admittance 1806 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
SY/515/F15/7 Admittance 1806 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
DD/COO/212-213 Discharge of the lord of the manor stopping Doncaster Corporation entering on their perambulation 1806 Manorial Wheatley South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1350 Estate 1806 Maps/Plans Almholme South Yorkshire

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