Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COV/9/5 Broad Hadds 1803 Maps/Plans Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/DC/E3/8/3 Survey 1803 Estate Tilts South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62035/1 Draft deed of division and conveyance of share in estate 1803 Deeds Tudworth South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/2/44 Act 1803 Enclosure Worksop Nottinghamshire
DX/BAX/61572 Indenture of fine relating to land 1803 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/9/25/1 Lawsuit concerning dispute over confiscation of 200 pounds of butter 1803 Other Local Government Doncaster, Market South Yorkshire
AB/9/25/1 Lawsuit concerning dispute over confiscation of 200 pounds of butter 1803 Business Doncaster, Market South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62103 Feoffment of house 1803 Deeds Doncaster, Union Street South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61062 Miscellaneous papers relating to redemption of land tax and drainage tax on Waddingham Grange 1803-1804 Estate Waddingham Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61062 Miscellaneous papers relating to redemption of drainage tax on Waddingham Grange 1803-1804 Land Drainage Waddingham Lincolnshire

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