Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/565/58 Sections of Strata of the Coal Measures of Yorkshire 1950 Coal Mining Yorkshire Yorkshire
DZ/MD/434/2 Sections of Strata of the Coal Measures of Yorkshire 1914 Coal Mining Yorkshire Yorkshire
P80/10/44 God's Coal: The Church's Mission amid Development and Change in the Mining Industry and Communities of South Yorkshire 1990 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
MQ/2/22 Register of non-fatal accidents in coal mines Jan-Aug 1923 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
MQ/2/23-26 Registers of non-fatal accidents in coal mines 1923-1926 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
MQ/4/6 Register of dangerous occurrences in mines, quarries and landfill sites 1960-1987 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/654/1-5 Advertisements in The Times by the Coalowners' Association 1929 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/599/1-3 Locality figures register for Miners' Welfare 1924-1932 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DD/MF/ADD/6 Residuary Body meeting papers Sep 1985 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DD/MF/ADD/11 Catalogue produced by the County Record Office of the records of the National Union of Mineworkers held at the Miners' Offices in Barnsley about 1980 Coal Mining South Yorkshire South Yorkshire

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