Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/126 Lease of lands and messuages 10 Aug 1626 Deeds Wheatley Hills South Yorkshire
DD/COO/127 Bargain and sale with feoffment of Fillicrofte and messuages 10 Aug 1626 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/443 Lease of messuage and lands 10 Aug 1650 Deeds Rossington South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/444 Lease of messuage, arable land and meadow 10 Aug 1650 Deeds Rossington South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/445 Counterpart lease of messuage and lands 10 Aug 1650 Deeds Rossington South Yorkshire
DX/TAY/16/2 Admission 10 Aug 1784 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65170/9 Wall poster advertising auction sale of land 10 Aug 1826 Business Doncaster, Shuffler Gate Close South Yorkshire
DD/DC/B1/1/2 Correspondence relating to crossings and laying of culverts on land 10 Aug 1847 Railways Wheatley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Sale plan and particulars for a freehold estate 10 Aug 1854 Sales Catalogues Amotherby North Yorkshire
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 Sale plan and particulars for a freehold estate 10 Aug 1854 Estate Amotherby North Yorkshire

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