Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
MQ/15/3-28 | Inquest into the explosion at Woodmoor Colliery on 6 August 1936 | 1936-1937 | Coal Mining | Wharncliffe | South Yorkshire |
MQ/15/29 | File on the prosecution of Woodmoor Colliery on the failure to fence machinery | 1938 | Coal Mining | Wharncliffe | South Yorkshire |
P/ARCH/1/34 | File relating to registration of coal mining land belonging to the parish, with plan | 1938-1945 | Coal Mining | Whitgift | East Yorkshire |
DY/GBF/7/12 | Ordnance Survey map annotated to show areas relating to coal prospecting | early 20th century | Coal Mining | Willitoft | East Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61070 | Miscellaneous draft deeds relating to coal mines on the Brinckman estates | 1845-1860 | Coal Mining | Wombwell | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/B2/1 | Article from Doncaster Gazette | Oct 1868 | Coal Mining | Wombwell | South Yorkshire |
P43/3/D10 | Copy lease of coal seams under land, with plan | 5 Dec 1932 | Coal Mining | Wombwell | South Yorkshire |
P47/2/B8 | Correspondence about subsidence affecting church property | 1976-1977 | Coal Mining | Wombwell | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/62342 | Draft licence to get minerals, with plan | 1874 | Coal Mining | Wombwell | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/61072 | Plan of Parkgate seam, part of Mitchell Main Colliery | 1902 | Coal Mining | Wombwell | South Yorkshire |
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