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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MZ/150/1 18th century portrait of Fountayne family of High Melton Hall early 1760s Photographs High Melton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/150/2 High Melton Hall [Drawing] early 1760s Photographs High Melton South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/150/1-2 Photograph of group portrait of John Fountayne, his wife Ann and their son Thomas and architectural drawing of High Melton Hall early 1760s Estate High Melton South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/873 Feoffment on toft early 14th century Deeds Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/875 Lease of land in the North Field early 14th century Deeds Scawsby South Yorkshire
DD/MON/340 Grant and quitclaim on capital messuage with tofts, crofts, lands, meadows, pastures, woods, moors, marshes, rents and homage and service of freemen with their villeins early 14th century Deeds Cowthorpe North Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/870 Lease of toft early 13th century Deeds Braithwaite South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/866 Lease of land early 13th century Deeds Trumfleet South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/868 Sale of a lease of four sellions of land beside the mill pond early 13th century Deeds Trumfleet South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/875 Quitclaim of right to site of the hospital early 13th century Deeds Doncaster, St James South Yorkshire

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