Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/COO/1352 Abstract of title to estate 1741-1796 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1352 Abstract of title 1741-1796 Estate Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1356 Lease and release of Wolfe Park Jul 1801 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1350 Estate 1806 Maps/Plans Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1350 Map 1806 Estate Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1353 Abstract of title to estate 1801-1807 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1353 Abstract of title to estate 1801-1807 Estate Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1355 Lease and release of Wolfe Park Oct 1807 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1369 Release of lands and assignment of mortgage term on Wolfparks Mar 1811 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire
DD/COO/550 Marriage settlement relating to land 17 Jul 1809 Deeds Almholme South Yorkshire

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