Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BRA/5/1-2 Prospectuses for branch of Vermuyden Institute of Further Education 1955-1957 Schools Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/BRA/5/1-2 Prospectuses for branch of Vermuyden Institute of Further Education 1955-1957 Publications Thorne South Yorkshire
DD/BRA/6/1-3 Reports and liquidation papers of Amalgamated Collieries 1938-1955 Coal Mining Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BRAMLEY/8 Research notes on Richard Ecroyd Clark and the Clark family, Quakers 20th century Nonconformist Churches Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/1/2 Valuation 1854 Estate Brodsworth South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/1/4 Terrier and description of Thellusson estates 1863 Estate Hertfordshire Hertfordshire
DD/BROD/1/4 Terrier and description 1863 Estate Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
DD/BROD/1/4 Terrier and description 1863 Estate Warwickshire Warwickshire
DD/BROD/1/4 Terrier and description 1863 Estate Yorkshire Yorkshire
DD/BROD/1/5 Valuation of Thellusson estates 1899 Estate Hertfordshire Hertfordshire

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