Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
RD/DON/2/270 Typescript copy of the award of 13 Feb 1818 20th century Enclosure Campsall South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/273 Copy of plan of 1818 mid 20th century Enclosure Campsall South Yorkshire
RD/DON/2/273 Copy of the 1818 enclosure plan mid 20th century Maps/Plans Campsall South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61710 Mortgages relating to the manor and Cooke Yarborough estates 1828 Deeds Campsall South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61710 Mortgages relating to Cooke Yarborough estates 1828 Estate Campsall South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61710 Mortgage deeds 1828 Manorial Campsall South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61715 Miscellaneous papers, notes, valuations and other items relating to the estate of George Cooke Yarborough 1834-1840 Estate Campsall South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/531 Abstract of title to an estate in Dormer Green 1727-1818 Deeds Campsall South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/531 Abstract of title to an estate in Dormer Green 1727-1818 Estate Campsall South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/581 Letter book 1860-1866 Estate Campsall South Yorkshire

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