Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/630/30 View early 20th century Photographs Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
P31/1/F4 List of incumbents of Rural Deanery early 20th century Anglican Parish Doncaster South Yorkshire
P/ARCH/2/6/1 Copies of deeds relating to Old School early 20th century Deeds Doncaster, Christ Church South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/23/28 Land early 20th century Maps/Plans Doncaster, Elmfield South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/23/28 Land early 20th century Maps/Plans Doncaster, Carr House South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/211/3 Copy of building control plan for Primitive Methodist church early 20th century Nonconformist Churches Doncaster, Spring Gardens South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/211/3 Primitive Methodist church early 20th century Maps/Plans Doncaster, Spring Gardens South Yorkshire
DZ/KEI/10 Copy letter book of the Co-operative Society early 20th century Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/797/22 To the Labouring Poor in Doncaster and its Vicinity, pamphlet early 20th century Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DY/BRB/6/5 Railway line from Doncaster to Wakefield early 20th century Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire

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