Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DZ/MD/745/3-5 | Brochures and programmes for the Technical High School for Girls | 1958-1960 | Publications | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/173/1 | Publications and photographs relating to Technical High School for Boys 1954-1961 [CD-ROM] | 2005-2007 | Publications | Doncaster, Leger Way | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/173/1 | Publications and photographs relating to Technical High School for Boys 1954-1961 [CD-ROM] | 2005-2007 | Publications | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/419 | Card index based on research into printed and manuscript sources for the history of the borough in the 16th and 17th centuries | 20th century | Publications | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/9/9-10 | Publicity brochure | about 1965 | Publications | Doncaster, Frenchgate Shopping Centre | South Yorkshire |
DZ/ML/3/152 | Copy of newspaper article on the visit to British Ropes by Prince Charles | 1970 | Publications | Balby | South Yorkshire |
DY/TSB/B13 | Newspaper cutting on an attempted theft from a clerk at a bank on Carr Hill | 1960s | Publications | Balby | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/65182/14 | Presscuttings advertising land for sale | 1912 | Publications | Doncaster, Chequer Road | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/420/31 | Copy of the London Gazette with order in council assigning the district chapelry | 26 May 1846 | Publications | Doncaster, Christ Church | South Yorkshire |
P34/4/G9 | 125 and Not Out, history of St Mary's church from the centenary year to 2010 | 2010 | Publications | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
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