Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/61563 Conveyance of property 1784 Deeds Dewsbury West Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61685 Lease of a messuage and lands 1784 Deeds Flockthorpe Norfolk
DX/BAX/61685 Lease of a messuage and lands 1784 Deeds Hardingham Norfolk
DD/COV/7/2 Admittance to North Ing Croft and two doles of meadow 1784 Manorial Hatfield South Yorkshire
P15/11/15 Final concord on land, meadow and pasture 1784 Deeds Owston South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62101 Assignment of leasehold premises 1784 Deeds Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
AB/6/7/68 Accounts for work done on interior 1784-1785 County Borough Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
AB/6/7/68 Account for expenses in examining evidences of common rights 1784-1785 County Borough Sandall South Yorkshire
AB/6/7/68 Account for expenses in examining evidences of common rights 1784-1785 County Borough Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DD/BW/P60 Balance sheet for the parliamentary election 1785 Other Local Government Aylesbury Buckinghamshire

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