Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
CHC/7/22 | The Hex-Press, community newpaper and leaflets produced by Quality of Life Action Group | 1998-1999 | Publications | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DS/120/2/1 | Focus on OPUS [Organisation for Parents Under Stress] magazine | 1986 | Publications | Doncaster, Priory Place | South Yorkshire |
DS/120/2/2 | A History of Doncaster Parentline by Angela Harris | 1991 | Publications | Doncaster, Priory Place | South Yorkshire |
DS/120/2/3 | Newspaper cuttings regarding Doncaster Parentline events | 1982-1992 | Publications | Doncaster, Priory Place | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/842/3/1-3 | Newspaper cuttings relating to Secondary School | 1963 | Publications | Wheatley Hills | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/842/3/2 | Newspaper cutting regarding Wheatley Hills Secondary School football team at St James Baths for a tournament | 5 Feb 1963 | Publications | Doncaster, Waterdale | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/620/1 | Doncaster Gazette Looks at Doncaster Coal | 1970s | Publications | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DS/38/9 | An Account of the Emission of Gas from the North East District, Barnsley Seam, Rossington Main Colliery | 1936 | Publications | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
DS/38/10 | The Opening of the Doncaster Coalfield | 1937 | Publications | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DS/38/11 | Thoresby Colliery Sinking | 1938 | Publications | Thoresby | Nottinghamshire |
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