Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/BAX/6/5/1 Abstract of title to a messuage in Union Place 1872 Deeds Whitby North Yorkshire
DD/BW/J6 List of horses run in races 1781-1783 Other Records York North Yorkshire
DD/BW/Y39 Rules and subscriptions for the Society for the Encouragement of Faithful Female Servants 1820 Organisations York North Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/10/4 Nonconformist Chapels of York 1693-1840, Ronald Willis 1960s Nonconformist Churches York North Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/10/4 Nonconformist Chapels of York 1693-1840, Ronald Willis 1960s Publications York North Yorkshire
AB/10/12 Copy letter of Privy Council requiring provision of ships 1635 Military York North Yorkshire
DD/WN/B5/11 Order of service at the Minster for the dedication of the war memorial 1920-1923 Anglican Parish York North Yorkshire
DD/WN/B5/11 Order of service at the Minster for the dedication of the war memorial 1920-1923 Military York North Yorkshire
P1/4/D7/2 Call to the North Rally correspondence from Doncaster and District Council of Churches 1971-1973 Anglican Parish York North Yorkshire
P19/1/A1 Note in Whitgift parish register referring to the loss and recovery of the register after having been stolen and pawned in York 1655 Anglican Parish York North Yorkshire

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