Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/ANON/5/1-2 Plan and order of the Poor Law Union 1837-1888 Civil Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/ANON/16/15 Standing orders for parish council 29 Jan 1895 Civil Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/COLES/46 Order of the Poor Law Commissioners relating to the distribution of the proceeds of a land sale 16 Jan 1841 Civil Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
DZ/ML/3/153/5 Notice of particulars of doles left for the benefit of the poor 1900 Civil Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60986 Correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to the appeal of the South Yorkshire Railway and River Dun Company against the poor rate assessment 1858-1860 Civil Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60986 Correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to the appeal of the South Yorkshire Railway and River Dun Company against the poor rate assessment 1858-1860 Business Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/60986 Correspondence and miscellaneous papers relating to the appeal of the South Yorkshire Railway and River Dun Company against the poor rate assessment 1858-1860 Railways Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/TB/8/1/25 Petition of the churchwardens to the magistrates requesting they refuse to increase the number of spirit licences in the parish 1852 Civil Parish Thorne South Yorkshire
DX/TB/8/1/25 Petition of the churchwardens to the magistrates requesting they refuse to increase the number of spirit licences in the parish 1852 Magistrates Court District Thorne South Yorkshire
RD/THO/2/110 Subject file on colliery and industrial development 1959-1967 Coal Mining Thorne South Yorkshire

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