Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/E4/21 Certificates of redemption 1799-1805 Land Tax Bentley South Yorkshire
P14/1/A7 List of manorial lords: William I to 1766 18th century Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/BW/E5/3 Notices of chief rents 1724-1767 Manorial Bentley South Yorkshire
MB/LEAD/1/50 Subject file on various matters including planning 1990 Metropolitan Borough Council Bentley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62182 Memorial of an indenture between trustees of Methodist New Connexion chapel and Girls' National School 1841 Deeds Bentley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62182 Memorial of an indenture between trustees of Methodist New Connexion chapel and Girls' National School 1841 Nonconformist Churches Bentley South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/62182 Memorial of an indenture between trustees of Methodist New Connexion chapel and Girls' National School 1841 Schools Bentley South Yorkshire
NM/1/8/2 Methodist baptism register 1919-1926 Nonconformist Churches Bentley South Yorkshire
NM/11 High Street Wesleyan Methodist chapel 1876-1989 Nonconformist Churches Bentley South Yorkshire
NM/12 Cooke Street Primitive Methodist chapel 1920-1968 Nonconformist Churches Bentley South Yorkshire

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