Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DY/STAN/6/56 Great North Road, former filling station 1987 Photographs Woodlands South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/23/9 Village 1922 Photographs Woodlands South Yorkshire
P49 Records of All Saints 1911-1980 Anglican Parish Woodlands South Yorkshire
P5/2/C1 Copy order in council assigning district to All Saints 1913 Anglican Parish Woodlands South Yorkshire
P10/2/C1 Assignment of part of Brodsworth parish to the Chapelry of All Saints 1913 Anglican Parish Woodlands South Yorkshire
P49/10/1 Minute book for United Churches of Woodlands and District 1950-1953 Organisations Woodlands South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/4/16 Correspondence relating to the building of All Saints 1908-1913 Anglican Parish Woodlands South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/20/66 Block plan of site of church early 20th century Anglican Parish Woodlands South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/20/66 Market and site of church with land in between early 20th century Maps/Plans Woodlands South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/168/1 Index to All Saints baptism register 1911-1917 [CD-ROM] 2007 Anglican Parish Woodlands South Yorkshire

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