Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/CLERK/28/14 Conveyance for schools built on land next to St John's church 1849 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/14 Conveyance for schools built on land next to St John's church 1849 Anglican Parish Balby South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/14 Land adjacent to St John's church 1849 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/1-40 Title deeds, plans and other items relating to miscellaneous schools 1849-1913 Schools Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/15 Township about 1883 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/15 Township 1883 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/16 Plan of proposed site for board schools on St John's Road Nov 1883 Schools Balby South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/16 Proposed site for board schools on St John's Road Nov 1883 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/17 Uncompleted agreement for the leasing of the large room at Hexthorpe School 1886 Deeds Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/28/18 Contract to paint and colour wash the school between the School Board and Skinner and Sons of Doncaster, painters and decorators 22 Aug 1889 Business Hexthorpe South Yorkshire

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