Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/4/79 Schedule of deeds relating to numbers 11-14 1764-1935 Deeds Doncaster, Hall Gate South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/79 Schedule of deeds relating to numbers 9-12, property of Ritz Super Cinema Theatre Limited 1764-1935 Deeds Doncaster, King Street South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/79 Schedule of deeds relating to numbers 9-12, property of Ritz Super Cinema Theatre Limited 1764-1935 Business Doncaster, King Street South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/2/49 Act 1765 Enclosure Austerfield South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/36 Award extract 1765 Enclosure Braithwell South Yorkshire
DX/WALK/2/52 Act 1765 Enclosure Braithwell South Yorkshire
PR/BRAITH/5/2 Braithwell Common, map 1765 Enclosure Braithwell South Yorkshire
PR/BRAITH/5/2 Braithwell Common, enclosure 1765 Maps/Plans Braithwell South Yorkshire
DY/GBF/2/1 Act 1765 Enclosure Cantley South Yorkshire
DD/BW/H117 Engine house 1765 Maps/Plans Cusworth South Yorkshire

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